Politicians falter in favourability ratings

Across the board, leading politicians are not rated favourably among UK voters.
The exact text of†our question asks:
On a scale of 0-10, where ‘0’ means you are extremely unfavourable and ’10’ means you are extremely favourable, how favourable or unfavourable are you towards the following politicians?
Of the politicians that were included on the poll, current Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was rated most favourably (29% rated him 8-10) while Diane Abbott is the most unpopular (43% rated her 0-2). Despite being rated the most favourable of the politicians in our list, Corbyn still had more†voters rating him unfavourably than favourably- as is the case with every politician.
Jeremy Corbyn was more favourably rated by Remainers (41%) and most unfavourably rated by Leavers (51%), while Theresa May was most unfavourably rated by Remainers (50%) and had a split opinion among Leavers.
Michael Gove was the most unfavourable Conservative politician in our list, with two†in five†(40%) rating him 0-2. Current Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, was the second most favourably rated Conservative politician although he was also still rated unfavourably by a third (33%) of voters.
Nicola Sturgeon also proves to be extremely unpopular, coming in second to Abbott in the†least popular leading politician list.
See the full tables here