Product Development
Developing products and services that stand the test of time
Optimising products and services for launch
We optimise products and services for launch, from ideation and conception through to validation.
Making the right decisions
We ensure products and services will resonate, enabling brands to invest wisely and with confidence.
“Running a Pop-up Community with Opinium was a great way to immerse ourselves into what current and new consumers think of the brand and help us develop products relevant to them. The interactive nature of a community means that the whole team could get involved and add new questions to help us gain a robust consumer understanding of potential new flavours and names.”
“We were really impressed with how quickly Opinium grasped the technical subject of drones and quickly delivered exactly what we were hoping for. Their research approach is clearly very thorough revealing powerful insights, but for me it’s the way they communicate that insight, their storytelling really helped me support my stakeholders inside and outside the CAA. Highly recommend them.”
“The Opinium team were fantastic to work with – they guided me expertly through the process of getting the right participants from IT and C-Suite audiences and the best way to ask the right questions to gauge opinions using different stimulus and survey tools. We chose an immersive 2-day ‘pop up’ online research method as a way of getting a more intimate understanding of this audience.”