The Fashion Fix

The journey towards sustainable fashion
With the constant pressure from fast-fashion retailers to buy, it is no surprise that the average British shopper falls trap into mindless consumption. We surveyed 2,004 UK adults to understand fashion and sustainability from the consumers? perspective and help accelerate positive change in the industry.
Reassuringly, British shoppers have begun to recognise the negative impacts of the fashion industry placing it as second least sustainable (29%) after the travel industry (38%). Many do also make the association between fast-fashion and unsustainability, naming fashion giant Primark as the least sustainable retailer, yet seven in ten shoppers (70%) still say they currently buy from the brand. Such contradiction is expected as consumers look for affordability with two thirds (67%) admitting that price is the most important factor when purchasing clothes, versus just 9% who consider the environmental impact.
With some signs of progress, the majority (76%) of British consumers still lack any knowledge about sustainability in the fashion industry and a third (33%) continue buying on impulse. Amidst the contradictions, could it be the lack of knowledge and education that drives British consumers to unsustainable practices?
The fashion industry has been under increased public scrutiny over the recent years with shocking statements making headlines like – 2,500 litres of water are needed to produce a single cotton T-shirt. The Opinium sustainability research educated consumers on some of the most alarming facts on the fashion industry’s harmful impact and it is optimistic to see that once informed they dramatically shift their attitudes and purchase intent.
For access to the full report on consumers views on this topic and what they’re looking for from retailers as a result, please do get in touch by emailing one of the team members or
Click here to find out why brands need to embrace sustainability.