UK: Voting intention – 28th April 2021
The Conservative lead drops from 11 points to 5 in a week as Boris Johnson’s ratings drop as well
The Conservatives have 42% of the vote vs. 37% for Labour.

The two main leaders have also seen their approval ratings go in opposite directions. Boris Johnson is on net -6 (37% approve, 43% disapprove) while Keir Starmer has his most clearly positive rating in weeks at +8 (38% approve, 30% disapprove).
However, Johnson is still ahead on the best prime minister question (32% vs. 29% for Starmer, 24% for ‘none of these’ and 14% don’t know), but this compares to a 10 point lead last week when it was 35% vs. 25%.
This is all despite approval for the government’s pandemic handling hitting its most positive score since May 2020. 45% approve and 36% disapprove, making this the longest sustained run of net positive results on this question since results first went net negative in May 2020.
67% of people describe John Lewis as very or fairly posh, higher than Habitat (43%) and IKEA (14%) but lower than Selfridges (73%)
Full report is available here and data tables are available here.