Continuing the Conversation: Mental Wellbeing in Public Relations 2020

Much progress has been made in the area of mental health in the last several years; talking about it openly and honestly has become more commonplace, and governments and businesses have recognised that they have a major role to play in helping people look after their mental wellbeing.
We designed our Workplace Mental Wellbeing Audit to help businesses and other organisations understand the mental health of their employers and in turn take steps to help them. This year’s study, our second since the audit’s launch, was made all the more pertinent by the outbreak of the coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown. A combination of being isolated from friends and family, a major economic downturn, and of course the threat to our physical health, create an environment that is far from conducive to good mental wellbeing.
On the subject of the economic fallout of the virus, different sectors are affected in very different ways. For this study we partnered with the PRCA to look specifically at the mental wellbeing of those working in the PR and communications industry and how they are coping in the context of a pandemic.