The Global Rise of B2B Influencer Marketing

According to our new report in partnership with Ogilvy, B2B influence has reached a global tipping point, positioning itself as one of the most rapidly growing priorities in marketing. The study features insights from 550 chief marketing officers (CMOs) across 11 different markets (representing brands like LinkedIn, Dell, EY, IBM, and Samsung). It reveals that 75% of B2B marketers are now actively employing B2B influencer marketing, with 93% of them planning to amplify their B2B influencer campaigns. Delve into more detail here on The Drum.
With influencer marketing stereotyped by many as a consumer tool, the B2B world has largely written off collaborating with Influencers. As a result, B2B has been slower to accept how Influencers could drive impact in their business operations.
But it’s foolish to ignore the underlying component of what makes influencer marketing so successful. Experiences shared from a like-minded community becomes uniquely validated, and the trust exchanged between that community becomes innately ingrained in all its participants.
Carefully selected Influencer partnerships now play an integral role in how businesses consume, verify and act on information. But not enough brands develop the deep, meaningful, and complex relationships with Influencers their audience demands. Businesses need to understand the value that lies in those authentic partnerships. For those who get that right can own the pockets of industry conversation where reputations are truly formed.
Download the full report here: