UK: Public opinion on coronavirus – 13th August

Conservative lead remains at 3 points
The Conservative lead remains at 3 points as both main parties gain 1 while the Lib Dems, SNP and Greens all drop points. While the Conservatives’ lead widened briefly in June, the near-level pegging is a return to the status quo that has been the case for much of the summer.
Little change in public views of lockdown
Compared to our last poll two weeks ago, there is little change in the proportion of UK adults who believe we are coming out of lockdown too fast or too slowly.
The public are split on whether schools will re-open in September or not. 50% are confident while 40% are not confident.
The government’s handling of the exam results situation is not seen as particularly successful with only 17% of voters in England approving and 42% disapproving. Even Conservatives voters struggle to muster much enthusiasm. While supporters of other parties are predictably negative, Conservative voters split evenly with 27% approving and 27% disapproving.
You can find the full report here.
You can find the full data tables here.