Polling Results

Political Polling 9th April 2019

Labour scores it’s largest lead in this parliament, reaching 7 points, as the Conservative vote falls away to UKIP and other parties.

We also looked at voting intention for the European Parliament elections, should the UK take part in these on the 23rd May.

We found that Labour was clearly in the lead on 29%, which would be up almost 6 points on their performance in the 2014 elections. The Conservatives were only on 17%, 6 points below their 2014 figure.

Part of the lead is explained by two factors. Remainers are more likely to say they will definitely turn out, and they also are currently more unified around one party (43% of Remainers are currently backing Labour in these elections). By comparison less than half of Leave voters are likely to turn out, and those that will are almost equally spread between UKIP (28%), the Brexit Party (26%) and the Conservatives (24%).


See the full data tables here