
Part time paid jobs amongst children

Part time paid jobs amongst children

While earning a living is necessary for the survival of many street children around the world, Opinium Research has recently found that nearly three quarters of UK parents (72%) say that their children (17 years of age or under), who are each given an average of just over £360 a year in pocket money*, do not have a part time job to earn extra money.

Of the small 15 per cent of parents who said their children do work paid part time jobs as well as collect their pocket money, the top five occupations for UK kids were revealed to be:

  • Babysitter (40%)
  • Shop assistant (36%)
  • Paper boy / girl (26%)
  • Waiter / waitress (25%)
  • Cleaner (17%)**

These popular jobs differ significantly to the work street children of the same age find themselves doing to scrape together enough money for essentials like food, such as shining shoes.

In the UK, a good education has been widely thought of as vital for children to forge a successful career. However, new findings from Opinium Research have discovered that almost three quarters of British parents (72%) believe education is not enough for their children to secure a job and think having part time jobs improve kids? long term employability (72%). The positive influence of part-time work during childhood is seemingly championed by British parents as an overwhelming majority of parents agreed that kids having paid part-time jobs help them develop independence (85%) and learn new skills (84%).

Opinium Research carried out an online survey of 2,011 people aged 18+. Results have been weighted to nationally representative criteria
Results based on 587 UK adults with children aged 17yrs and under were surveyed from 9th March to 12th March 2012.
*£7 per week x 52 weeks (in a year) = £364
**Caution: low base size (48)

This survey is conducted online by CAWI (computer aided web interviewing), using Opinium?s online research panel of circa 35,000 individuals. This research is run from a representative sample of UK adults (aged 18+ in England, Scotland and Wales). The sample is scientifically defined from pre-collected registration data containing gender, age (18-34, 35-54, and 55+), region (North East, North West, Yorkshire and Humberside, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East, South West, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland), working status and social grade to match the latest published ONS figures.

Opinium also takes into account differential response rates from the different demographic groups, to ensure the sample is representative.