Most Connected Brands 2019

Why launch another brand index? This is probably the question we have been asked more than any other over the past year. And, from an outside perspective, we can understand why. There is a proliferation of indices already available to marketeers, brand owners and communications professionals.
But despite differing methodologies, markets and presentations, we noticed that they all had one thing in common. All of these indices ranked the performance of brands using a black box analysis that was defined by experts working in the industry. None of them simply asked the people that have the power to build, define and sometimes destroy the brands and businesses that marketeers create: the consumers themselves.
The Most Connected Brands Index was born out of this idea. That we would create an index based on what consumers think, feel and do.
And so, in 2018, we did just that.
Twelve months on we’ve expanded to include the US. 12,000 consumers, 22,000 spontaneous brand mentions and 96,000 brand reviews, all fed through our analytical framework.
No black box solutions.
Just the brands that consumers connect with each and every day.
As we approach 2020, we believe that building connection has never been more important. Whatever your political, economic or social viewpoint, 2019 has been a year of unprecedented rapid change, change which shows no sign of abating. The ability of people, brands and businesses to create lasting connections has become fundamental to both personal and professional success.
Whether you read Most Connected Brands from cover to cover, or simply flick through the pages until something catches your eye, we hope this report interests, excites and inspires you to create, build and grow the connections that matter to you.
Read the full report here: