Opening the Conversation: Mental Wellbeing in Market Research

We urgently need to talk about mental wellbeing at work.
When a third of market researchers who struggle with their mental health tell us that they avoid telling people for fear it might jeopardise their career (versus a fifth of the general workforce), research land, friends, wonderful clients, and fellow agency heads – we have a serious problem. We need urgent cultural change. And we need it now.
Mental health was a rather taboo topic in the not too distant past, but progress has certainly been made in recent years. Though there is still a way to go.
After developing the first workplace mental wellbeing audit with Warwick University Medical School, we were so delighted when the MRS agreed to partner with us and help us audit our industry. With 1,500 responses, 800 from agencies and 500 from in-house teams, this is the first of its kind, and the first of many.
We are extremely proud to be able to share this report with you, which we hope will accelerate change in market research teams across the UK. As you’ll see throughout the report, we’ve uncovered some of the key issues companies need to address, as well as various initiatives that workplaces can implement along with their impact on mental wellbeing. Addressing mental wellbeing at work may seem like a mammoth task, but it’s a journey, and taking that first step in the right direction will kick-start wider organisational change which will benefit everyone involved.
Read the full report here: